Friday, August 15, 2008

THING 23-COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yaaaaaaay. I'm done! What a ride this has been. Great learning opportunity! I feel like I know a little about alot but know where to go to find out more. An organization I'm involved with has started a Web Blog and I volunteered to keep it up. This is through the University of Minnesota they use Moveable Type. I'm confident I will have no trouble figuring that out. I did most of the work at home but it was hard as high speed internet is not available deep in the woods where I live. It was hard to find the time to work on it at work. I did manage to watch the videos at work. Was a real problem for people without computers at home.
Also a winter session would be great as its hard to give up our summer time outside to work on this. Thanks so much for the chance to do this. I will sign up if you come up with more Things.

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